Love and Violence: The End of the Fairytale, May 2014, Cobourg, Ontario.

Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre
Academy and Archive of Autobiography
International Feminist Network


Love and Violence: The End of The Fairytale

International Conference

Monday May 12, 2014

Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
Best Western: 9:00am

The issue of violence in my personal life and how the issue has developed in the Beijing Conference and in the UN Framework.
Peggy Antrobus (Barbados/Canada):
click here to open YouTube video

Why violence against women continues in countries where gender equality has advanced so much? Some answers from Scandinavia and Canada.
Lone Alice Johansen (Norway)
click here to open YouTube video

Michael Kaufman (White Ribbon/Canada)
click here to open YouTube video

What is the impact of multiculturality on abuse?
Liz Stone (Aboriginal Community)
click here to open YouTube video

Azza Anis (Canada/Sudan)
click here to open YouTube video

Love and relationships: is there an invisible violence in the “Dream of Love”?
Lea Melandri, Paola Melchiori, (Italy)
click here to open YouTube video

Gail Quinlan (Nova Vita/Canada)
click here to open YouTube video

Tuesday May 13, 2014

Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
Best Western: 9:00am

Bearing witness: what men can do (Listening closely to the experience of women)
Ian de Geer (Niagara)
click here to open YouTube video

How we manage to respond as individuals and Officers representing the Law to abuse and how Law responds
Staff Sergeant Isobel Granger (Canada/ South Africa)
click here to open YouTube video

Police Chief Cory McMullan, (the Russell Williams case)
click here to open YouTube video

Multicultural issues in the Shafia case
Detective Staff Sgt Christopher Scott (Kingston. Ontario)
click here to open YouTube video